2018 BSI Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Tuesday, September 4, 2019 1800 GMT

Royal Northern & Clyde Yacht Club

Rhu, Helensburgh, SCOTLAND


Meeting Minutes (D R A F T)


Meeting called to order by BSI Secretary David Brown at 1818 due to late racing.


1. Attendees and apologies



Vicki Sheen

Laura Cammidge

BJ Blanick

Walt Raineri

Brian Peoples

Brian Arthur

Gary Kirby

Olivier Ducruix

Mathieu Simonnet

Giles Guyon

Kylie Forth

Liz Baylis

Sharon Grennan

Lucy Hodges

Ian Sheara

Liam Cattermole


Erin McGlew

David Brown

Jodi Munden

Kris Scheppe (Skype)


Apologies from:

Ryck Lent

Ben Geddes

Dick Lancaster


Thanks to RNCYC for the room and Jean for printing the agenda


2. Previous meeting minutes from 2015


Read by Liz Baylis

Amend that Kylie attended on Skype

Lucy moved amendment

Sharon seconded



3. Financial report 2017


Read by Liz

Opening balance 2017 $2,311.09 USD

10 dues payers in 2017 = $500

PayPal used

5.02 in interest

2816.11 current balance 2018-08-31


$35 per month for web site operations

Move to adopt:


Seconded by BJ.



4. Chairman's Report


3 World Championships

Thanks to BJ

Scotland 2018

2 bids for 2019

BSI newsletters

Expansion in communication

Request for photographs from Ryck for newsletter

Thanks to Liz for up-dating BSI social networks and web site.

And Ben from N.Z. for up-dating Facebook

Acknowledgements to Ivan Sheen for providing and maintaining the BSI web site

There has been communication during the previous twelve months with our friends in Japan, Italy, Israel and Sweden who are hoping to join us for 2019

GBR invited all European countries to join them at their training weekends in the UK.

Brazil visited by Juju

Sylvia in Italy contacting Germany

Switzerland in contact with Lucy

Gary offered his son to help in Switzerland

BSI promoting blind sailing views to World Sailing

Have requested the W.S. member nation representatives to promote VI sailing back in their own countries.

BSI suggested a proposal to combine match racing at the Disabled Worlds.



- new web site development by Kay Van Valkenburgh from Boston

- Venture 2-person boat potential for Paralympics


5. Secretary's Report


5 countries and 5 states



6. Motions.


None received.


Constitution needs review. Working group proposed:

- Walt asked to lead this and report back to the BSI committee with his proposals.

- David to assist

- Support also offered by Kylie Forth


Development of web site working group to support Kay:

- Laura and possibly Toby

- Alex to ask students

- All to support providing web site content.

- Initially to start with a calendar

- Then move onto a BSI forum next

- Country reps to solicit help


Technology and Safety working group:

- BJ Blahnik offered to lead this.

- Alex Morrow offered to support

- Lucy Hodges offered to support


Alex summarized:

- Community Boating in Boston

- Match racing system

- Homerus system improvements

- Tack center replaces mercury switch

- Replace mark content with more waterproof and smaller


Beta testing:

- Navigate via GPS

- wifi for other boat location


Successful to transfer blind athletes to sailing

- Laura has a mathematical start system

- GBR has a system

- New Zealand has a system

- BJ to produce a strategy for short and long term plans.


Beginning of January

- Vicki to send Alex contact information to working group


7. Election of officers.  Four-year terms


Vicki moved Sylvia as European rep

Lucy seconded




8. Budget for 2019


Review membership fee increase next year,


9. 2019 regatta options


KYC (Kingston Yacht Club) - presented by Jodi

- 2 hours from Toronto

- Direct flight from Europe

- Fresh water site

- Top 10 sites on USA sailing

- East end of Lake Ontario

- Non-Royal Yacht Club

- Shark is slightly smaller 24 foot

- 10 boats

- Olympic sharks


RCYC (Royal Canadian Yacht Club) - presented by David Brown

- Sonars

- Downtown Toronto

- Close to international airport

- Recent host of Invictis sailing


10. Other business


Walt raised the following safety concern and suggested solutions:

- Non-aggressive sensory deprivation zones

- Sailor safety concern

- Systemic safety issue with current format

- Limited vision

- Audible input compromised near buoys


Should include review of:

- Must have 6 points on a boat

- BSI can advise race management revisions

- Liz Appendix C World Sailing event call implement tomorrow    

- Rapid response call


World Sailing responses. Appendix C amendment for 2019:

- If umpire calls collision

- Instructed to avoid

- Penalty on give way boat if instruction is required

- Kylie offered to share a document produced at the 2011 Perth Match Racing event


11. Date for next meeting


2019 Fleet Racing championships


12. Adjournment 7:40 pm moved by Jodi Seconded by BJ. Minutes taken by BSI Secretary David Brown.