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Anti-doping control International Blind Sailing Events information


  1. As an athlete, you may have an illness or condition that requires a particular medication.  If this medication appears on the Prohibited List, you may be granted a Therapeutic Use Examption (TUE) which gives you permission to take it.
  2. TUEs ensure that you are able to obtain treatment for a legitimate medical condition – even if that treatment requires a prohibited substance or method.  The TUE process avoids the risk of sanctions due to a positive test.
  3. Any athlete who may be subject to doping control must request a TUE before taking a prohibited medication.  All information in this request remains strictly confidential.
  4. An application must be made at least 30 days before taking part in an event.  In exceptional cases or true emergencies, a TUE may be approved retroactively.


The TUE Process


  1. Request a TUE form from your relevant anti-doping organisation – your National Anti-Doping Organisation (NADO)
  2. Your Doctor fills out the TUE form and you send it back to your NADO
  3. Once a TUE is requested, a panel of experts selected by the NADO reviews your request and will grant a TUE if:
    1. Your health will be significantly impaired if you do not take the substance
    2. The substance does not enhance your performance beyond what brings you back to normal health
    3. There are no alternative treatments available
  4. The NADO advises if you can take the requested medication or not.  In the case of a denied request, you will be informed of the reasons.  You have the right to appeal the decision.


Tips During Doping Control


  1. Declare the approved medication on your Doping Control Form
  2. Specify that a TUE has been granted

Show a copy of the TUE approval to the doping control officer

link to Isaf antidopping web pages

Link to Isaf antidopping Documents


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